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Libyan Desert Glass Libyan Gold Tektite 5.6 Grams

Regular price $32.00

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Great rectangular shaped piece with beautiful color- flawless and ding/chip free... 

Measures- 21 x 15 x 13mm  5.6 grams


Libyan desert impact glass is from a strewnfield in the Western Desert Sahara Desert of Egypt and Libya. The impact origin is disputed-. The impact site has not been located yet, although there is clear evidence an impact happened (e.g., Kleinmann et al., 2001). In 2013, Kramers et al. published analyses of a small black rock and proposed it to be the remnant of a cometary nucleus fragment that impacted after incorporating gases from the atmosphere. 

The primary component of this glass is lechatelierite, a molten silica glass similar to quartz but lacking a crystal structure. This desert glass can also be different shades of green, tan, and brown depending on the inclusions present when the glass formed. Tektite formation will typically occur after meteoric activity. It has many characteristics similar to sea glass, though this mineral happens to have cosmic origins. Collectors enjoy the extraterrestrial nature of this tektite's formation and the striking translucent colors of this glassy material.